Features overview
This software will allow you to operate your sound card MIDI synthesizer by means of an average PC keyboard and a mouse. The software emulates 25-keyed MIDI keyboard with the three functional pedals: Sustain, Accent and Soft. These pedals are used to create different effects as polyphony(Sustain), strenthening(Accent) & softening(Soft). There are also 127 different musical instruments from the standard General MIDI(GM) set. All the instruments of the MIDI set are divided into groups, what makes your choice of the needed one quite simple. With this software you can play any sound of GM MIDI standard set, due to the Controller of 8 octaves. It is also possible to play Drums parties, with all sounds of GM Drums set on channel 10. With the switcher MIDI Output Device you can choose any MIDI synthesizer found in the system, such as Microsoft(R) GS Wavetable Synth or any other GM compatible synthesizer. The software user interface was designed for Windows XP(R). It is quite compact and does not take much room on your desktop. All functional keys are situated in the main window of the program, so that you can play any melody without using the main menu.
Software MIDI Keyboard Lite >> Free download